SVPM - Social Venture Partners Minnesota
SVPM stands for Social Venture Partners Minnesota
Here you will find, what does SVPM stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Social Venture Partners Minnesota? Social Venture Partners Minnesota can be abbreviated as SVPM What does SVPM stand for? SVPM stands for Social Venture Partners Minnesota. What does Social Venture Partners Minnesota mean?Social Venture Partners Minnesota is an expansion of SVPM
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Alternative definitions of SVPM
- Paramillo airport
- St. Vincent de Paul Madison
- small volume particle microsampler
- San Cristobal-Tachira/Pamarill, Venezuela
View 5 other definitions of SVPM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SD The Science of Digital
- SA The Sound Architect
- SG Simply the Group
- SPL Scanning Pens Ltd
- SMGI Streamline Media Group Inc.
- SJS Sweet Justice Sound
- SOS Specialized Orthopedic Solutions
- SMC Silver Maples of Chelsea
- SSD22 Stuttgart School District 22
- ST Stay in Touch
- SFRPC Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council
- SELEP South East Local Enterprise Partnership
- SHC Sage Human Capital
- SSA Safe at Sea Ab
- SLT Sweet Leaf Tea
- SWP Slender Winter Partnership
- SCACC St. Cloud Area Chamber of Commerce
- SSEDC Shanghai Supercity Enterprise Development Company
- SPL Stratford Public Library
- SCM Sixth City Marketing